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Duane R, Columbus Patient

I knew I was in for a long haul when my orthopedic surgeon said it would take over 18 months for my knee to heal after surgery. Having torn my quadriceps tendon from my knee cap, I was actually looking forward to getting back to some sense of normalcy. Not being able to run, jump, climb stairs, or bend my knee, caused me to miss out on most of the activities that I enjoy during the summer of 2015. Actually, pretty much all of my physical activity was halted due to the injury.

After surgery I had to find a physical therapy center to start my recovery. There were many options to choose from so I started out on the internet and looked at all of my options. I chose Progressive Physical Therapy because it wasn’t a “chain” business. After reading the history of the business and how long they had been in business, I was convinced this was right place for me. I was right!

I started out with 3 visits per week and eventually was able to get down to 1 visit per week. Dawn was my primary therapist and Mark helped me out on several visits as well. After my first couple of visits I wondered what I had gotten into! However, as I researched the techniques and procedures they were utilizing, I realized I was on my way to recovery. Great words from the surgeon indicated that I was progressing and rehabilitating ahead of schedule.

I would just like to take the opportunity to once again thank Dawn and Mark for their great professionalism and encouragement during my 7 months with them. I had a difficult injury to recover from and their positive attitudes and explanations helped me get through it all. They took my healing and progress personally and had just as much interest in seeing me succeed as I did. That means a lot when they support you in that manner!

Scheduling appointments was very easy and the front office staff was very courteous, professional and friendly. I would recommend Progressive Physical Therapy to EVERYONE needing PT and will definitely use them in the future should the need ever arise.